by Oscar Lynch | Jan 27, 2021 | Insights
Lou Cordwell, Chair of the Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership (GM LEP), says improving transport, including our bus network, will be crucial if the city-region is to support sustainable economic growth. The third national lockdown has been, and continues...
by Helen Gaikstaite | Jan 25, 2021 | Insights
Green growth is a priority within the Economic Vision for Greater Manchester. The pioneering creation of a Local Energy Market for the region is evidence of the innovation already taking place to achieve carbon neutrality by 2038. Climate change is happening at an...
by Helen Gaikstaite | Jan 20, 2021 | Insights
Health and social care innovation is one of the priority sectors underpinning the Greater Manchester Economic Vision launched by GM LEP and sits at the heart of the Greater Manchester Industrial Strategy. Pretty much overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that...
by Helen Gaikstaite | Jan 19, 2021 | Insights
James Baker, CEO of Graphene@Manchester, says innovation in advanced materials has the potential to support social, economic and technological opportunities to help achieve a green recovery following the impact of COVID-19. Supported by GM LEP and a priority within...
by Helen Gaikstaite | Jan 19, 2021 | Insights
Home to the nation’s fastest-growing cyber ecosystem, a Top 20 European Digital City, and now a base for GCHQ, Greater Manchester is at the forefront of cybersecurity and innovation. The region is now building on its heritage in scientific advancements with a new £10m...
by Helen Gaikstaite | Jan 11, 2021 | Insights
Supported by GM LEP funding via the Local Growth Fund, the Christabel Pankhurst Institute will build on Greater Manchester’s strengths in health innovation and advanced materials A new multimillion-pound research institute that will maximise Manchester’s academic...