Hydrogen Safe, the hydrogen safety training specialist that acts as a link between industry and education, is set to host a series of roundtable events that will be used to inform and develop a Hydrogen Skills Framework to meet the needs of Greater Manchester’s growing green energy sector.


Bringing together cross-sector policy experts, industry leaders and academics, the first event will take place on Wednesday 28 August from 9.30am – 11.30am.


Delegates from industry and education will be invited to join the discussion that will focus on three topics:

  • how the change in government impacts the hydrogen skills ambition for the UK
  • connecting the supply and demand in the hydrogen economy
  • delivering a hydrogen skills framework.


Taking the lead, Green Energy Partnerships Director, Elizabeth Simon and Specialist Consultant, Amer Gaffar from Hydrogen Safe will collate feedback from all parties before developing a Hydrogen Skills Framework that can be adopted by Greater Manchester and also used as a guide for other regions throughout the country.

CEO and Founder of Hydrogen Safe, Andy Lord, comments:We’ve held more discussions than I care to remember over recent months which share the same narrative: we do something about the skills shortage or miss out on the opportunities that hydrogen could bring to the UK.


“The skills gap has been referred to as a tsunami. We can’t simply wait for something to happen; we have to take the lead and turn the talk into action. With a skills framework in place, we can start pulling in the same direction, delivering the infrastructure we will all need to benefit from the green economy.”



Green Energy Partnerships Director at Hydrogen Safe, Elizabeth Simon, comments: “We are really excited by these roundtables, not least as they will bring the most influential figures from industry and education together.


“It’s essential that we get the thoughts of as many people as possible before we develop a framework that we can all put into practice. This is about our collective thoughts and efforts. The race to net zero is very much underway. If we are to become a global leader, we must all act now.”

The first roundtable discussion will take place in Manchester in August, with both in person and online attendees. Facilitated by Hydrogen Safe, it will focus on ‘How the change in government impacts the hydrogen skills ambition for the UK’. This will then be followed by three further sessions, including a practical workshop, that have been carefully designed to conclude with the sharing of a Hydrogen Skills Framework with all those that have been involved.


Anyone interested in contributing to the roundtables, which are all free of charge to attend, are asked to register here.


Members of Hydrogen UK; the Hydrogen Energy Association; the Hydrogen Skills Alliance; and NPTC Group of Colleges, Net Zero Skills Advisory Board, as well as being a corporate partner of the Greater Manchester Mayors Charity, Hydrogen Safe works with businesses, education providers and individuals to deliver courses that meet with their specific objectives and sustainability goals.